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Friday, January 7, 2011

The future's so bright!

          Well it's dark out as I write this with some snow falling as well but waking up this morning I realized how bright the future really is.  I faced many challenges over the last several years and have met them head-on.  Now I eBay every so often, when they have a special like the past month.  I'll gather up my collection of "stuff", that my wife calls junk and put it online.  Now granted I may only get 99 cents for something but it's one less thing I'm tripping over.  I've been that pack rat for so many years and kept things I know I'll never use.  Some how I've been able to help someone find what they are looking for while putting some extra cash in my pocket. 
          I've been eBaying on and off now for many years.  The first time I went to try it I procrastinated so much that I nearly missed out on a golden opportunity.  I've sold some things that I thought would never sell and others that I thought was a sure thing that no one bid on at all.  Some items have been listed so many times I think I'll never get rid of them.  I've listed over 50 items in the last few weeks and actually made out very well with items I forgot I even had.  Digging through some boxes that were in storage for years sure brings back the memories.  Some good, some bad but memories of how the past 4 decades of my life has seemed to slip through my fingers.  Looking at the numbers this morning on some bids, I finally see that the future is bright.  Selling online is not a way of life for me but I do enjoy it and is hobby I've been missing out on.  It's the simple things in life that make us happy.  When financial troubles occur we tend to forget these things.
          I had written in an earlier blog about the way the world works and where our destinies lie.  Is it luck, karma, faith or some greater outside force that brings us down the path of our lives?  I can't answer that, you believe what you believe and then make your own decisions on which path to take.  Now I don't follow the stars, astrology, numerology and such but I do browse it on occasion.  I recently had submitted for a numerology report and have been fascinated by the results.  The short sample reading told me exactly how my last few years have been and where I'm headed this year.  Now I usually don't give into this to much but the accuracy in this was uncanny. So I started to do my own research about the wanders of numerology.
          It is believed that Pythagoras was a strong believer in the power of numbers.  That the whole universe revolved around mathematical equations.  Much of Pythagoras theories are now regarded as pseudo mathematics by modern scientists.  Numerology is considered as an occult used by people that put excessive faith in numbers.  Though isn't it faith or our belief in something that gives us the strength an courage to pursue our interests in life?  This is the principle behind manifestation, using our thoughts and our beliefs to get what we want out of life.  Now the sun is rising and the snow has stopped falling, I can see how brilliant the day will be.  This should be the way every one's life is, bright and hopeful.  Let this open the door to your Success from within. 

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