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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January's gone!

     That's right, January has passed us and we are now starting February.  As 2012 begins, some great things have been happening.  I've joined the Personal Prosperity Project to enhance my learning of the Law of Attraction.  This whole project has been set in motion by Ryan Harris, creator of Prosperity Radio.  This 13 week coarse takes people from all over the world into a new style of coaching method focusing on the Law of Attraction to create prosperity.  Ryan makes it fun and engaging to interact with others to learn from each other.  He even schedules a few coaching a question calls each week.  The weekly fun work assignments really get you thinking and doing "outside" the box.  Joining Ryan in the Personal Prosperity Project has helped tremendously in setting a positive start to 2012.
     So how is this year really shaping up?  Better than last, that's for sure.  To start with, I'm right on target if not ahead of schedule to get or Yukon XL paid off.  This also gets our mortgage back on track.  Our savings is growing and I haven't missed a week of church or giving.  When I thought we might have a problem in the middle of January, a small miracle occurred that made everything alright.  My eBay sales did well to fill in the gaps and 2012 is looking to be a very good year.  The next few weeks will be crucial to the over all outlook to this year but with God willing we will have the best year we've had in a long time.
     I've also been exploring the use of subliminal and binaural recordings to stimulate and enhance the Law of Attraction.  This does seem be having a positive effect on my life.  I utilize it everyday to enforce the desire for wealth and prosperity.  Using this in conjunction with the Personal Prosperity Project has given me new direction and better focus on how I want 2012 to end.  I believe strongly that this will be a great year and everything that I'm projecting will be my reality in the end.  I have also been reading Wallace Wattles - The Science of Getting Rich.  He states that if we do things in a certain way, we can get rich or simply put attract wealth, but if we don't we will actually repel it.  I'm not sure when this was written but it was apparently written some time ago.  The Science of Getting Rich translates strongly to the Law of Attraction and touches upon many key factors of how we can acquire wealth by doing things in a certain way.  It is a worth while read at only 66 pages and recommend it, even if it is a bit dated. 
     Well that's about it for now, until next time, have yourself a great and prosperous day:).

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Thrive! In 2012

     Thrive!  Enter the year with an expectant heart!  That was the message from Pastor Doug at this mornings service.  As 2011 slipped away into oblivion at 11:59:59 PM last night, a sigh of relief came over me.  It was finally over, done, gone and just a figment of my memory.  I had thought that 2010 was a year to forget but I was wrong.  2011 presented itself as a year of hope but became a let down.  When I went to service this morning, I did so with peace and more joy then I had in a long time.  2012 truly is a year of hope and great prosperity.  How can I say this and know it's true?  I realize, I was wrong about last year, but I also made some grave mistakes that cost me.  The cost was mental, physical and financial, but I've learned from this.  I've learned that I am repeating mistakes that I've made before and now was the time for change.
     Pastor Doug went on to say that there are four things to expect this year...
  1. Expect a prophetic word.
    • A new word and Proverbs 29:2 came to mind
    • Where the righteous thrive, the family will rejoice!   
  2. Expect a message.
    • Repentance
    • Forgiveness
  3. Expect to be Fruitful.
  4. Expect a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.
     I've grown spiritually this past year and for that I am thankful for of last year.  The strains placed on myself and my family weighed heavy through the year.  I have created a plan and have been monitoring it and sticking to it.  Making adjustments as needed to stay in line with my set goals for 2012.  I've made positive changes and have created constant reminders to keep me on track.  I see great freedom just around the corner and have the days marked on the calendar.  Counting the days until I am free of some major debt.  I've sought out knowledgeable people that can help me overcome my fears and get my creativity started.  I've regained the confidence I had years ago that helped me climb to new success.
     So if you're looking to make a New Years Resolution look no further.  Make the first one a commitment to yourself, your dreams, your goals, your greatest desires.  Take them all and make a plan to have a Happy and Prosperous New Year.  This will bring you Success from within!