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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Do you believe in miracles?

          Tis the season of great hope and happiness, love and compassion, toss in a miracle and you have a Christmas blessing.  Hopefully everyone had good tidings this holiday season and have not been pinned down with financial burdens or other distresses.  Depression is a big concern for this time of the year but I'd like to spread some sunshine with a story that contains a miracle that saves a family from losing everything. 

Check out HappyFreeGiveAways.Com - Help Us Plant One Million Trees This Year!

Check out HappyFreeGiveAways.Com - Help Us Plant One Million Trees This Year!

Friday, December 3, 2010

From 37,000 feet...

       Well here I am on a flight back home and flying at 37,000 feet.  I never imagined myself flying all over the country but life's kind of funny that way.  I've gone through several paces and hit the turbulence of life.  I hated school but quickly found that life was just as rough afterwards.  If we are ill prepared then life becomes one big disappointment.  We sometimes grow up in an artificial world, sheltered by our family and friends.  Reality becomes a harsh realization that some people can't handle.  Hitting mid-life some people have a crisis or breakdown.  Turning 41 in a week and half causes me to look back and reflect on my life.  I've come a long way with my daily struggles and think of people that I know that have there own dilemmas.  I've also learned a great deal about personal finances.  As our income grows, so does our debt.  We become trapped in a vicious cycle of being broke just at a higher level.  We don't teach our own children how to avoid the mistakes that we ourselves have made.  Teaching them the need to save to protect our established lifestyles.
       I on the other hand have done everything possible to show my children the cruel realities the world offers.  I also have showed them the great rewards it has to offer to those persistent enough to pursue them.  Travelling alone on business gives one much time to think, formulate and act upon one's goals.  I've been told many times how I'm so disorganized and need to straighten out my desk.  Although after perfecting the "pile-it" system over the last 40 years it's tough to change.  I had written down at one time or another a phrase that I'd like to share with you now, "How can you expect a change in your life if you continue to live exactly the same everyday?"  Sometimes we expect some big miracle or change to come from nowhere but it never does.  If we want to change our lives we need to make that change happen.  So as far as being organized, again I will attempt the change to make it happen.  I realize that I need this change to become more effective and better manage my time and this in turn will improve my quality of life.
       So what am I trying to imply to you today while flying high above the US?  The only way we can change an undesirable situation is to make a change.  I originally kept to myself and never did anything to make waves but it didn't get me to where I wanted to be.  I had to think outside the box and leave my comfort zone.  Now I travel the country and my family has gone on several vacations that would have never been possible if I myself would not have changed.  Sometimes my mind will just make some irrational, impulsive decision but those are the decisions that have propelled me into a better life.  I might not be a millionaire, at least not yet, but I am clearly on the correct path to be.  I am constantly striving to better myself and my life.  No one showed me the way and I had to find it myself.  I've met some great people with the most powerful advise that has guided me on my journey.  Avoid the negative and find people that are like what you want to become.  They are the ones that will guide you and advise you to discover your Success From Within.  We all have it some where but sometimes we need a little help to find it.  Right now I'm in the middle of reading Napoleon Hill's Law of Success and it has the most powerful insight from some of the greatest financial geniuses of the 20th century.  If you would like a copy in ebook form, let me know and I would be more than happy to forward you a copy.  I believe it should be in every person's hands that wish to find success.  I have collected a variety of ebooks that have added great value to my search for success.  You will find that in your search you will collect many books as well.
       I look forward to the New Year with great enthusiasm as we travel towards our own successes.  Please feel free to leave your personall achievements and comments.  I appreciate any input and am very open to new ideas that can help us all reach our Success From Within.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Discover your destiny!

       Why would I tell you to "Discover Your Destiny!"?  The simple reason is that when I look back at where I was and where I am now I have to wonder how I arrived here?  If you would have asked me where I was going and what I was going to be doing back when I was 16 I would not have been able to even begin to come close to how my life has been.  If someone would have told me that I'd be living in Iowa I probably would have laughed or if you would have said that I would be travelling the country for my work, I probably would have laughed even more.  I now travel the country and even to Canada and have been living in Iowa for over 3 years.
       When I was 17 and graduated high school I went straight to Lincoln Technical Institute, studied for 20 months and received my A.S.T. in electronics.  I had drive and was eager to learn, looking for that high paying job that the field seemed to offer.  When I graduated, no one wanted a graduate but someone with experience.  When I had experience, employers wanted fresh graduates so they could pay less.  Through it all I don't even truely work in electronics but went to the industrial electrical field.  Now I'm working all sorts of other avenues for revenue and finacial security for my family.
       How do you Discover Your Destiny?  Focus on what you want and learn to recognize opportunities.  Recognizing opportunities are a big reason for where I am today.  This is why I can share this information with you and help you realize your dreams.  When we are born we have two fears 1) the fear of falling and 2) the fear of loud noises.  As we grow up we learn from our surroundings and find new fears.  Fears that are learned are some of the hardest to break away from.  We need to retrain our thinking and our way of life if we wish to achieve our goals.  People with all the riches in the world can die in misery while someone deeply impoverished can rise up and become a huge success.  It all starts with our mind set.  Our families can encourage us or destroy us with mere words.  Our friends will do the same wether they mean well or not.  The perfect example of this is crab trapping.  When a crab is caught an thrown in a bucket, it will continually try climbing out.  If a second crab is caught and added to the bucket, they will prevent each other from climbing out.  As one climbs up the other will pull it back down and vise-versa.  Our family and friends mean well but they tend to pull us back down with things like that won't work or you don't have what you need to make it doing that.  If Walt Disney would have listened to everyone else we would never have the greatest known mouse in the world.  Many things in this world came out of people that had determination and wouldn't take no for an answer.
       Don't let anyone "STEAL" your dream!!!  Remember you always regret the things you didn't accomplish compared to things you have done.