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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Saying Goodbye to 2016

Saying Goodbye to 2016

Well this is it... The final day of 2016.  A look back and a look forward for success.

Sitting here writing this causes me to reflect on the past year but also look towards the new one.  I believe we shouldn't dwell on the past but learn from it.  At times I find myself falling back into the same old habits that drug me down into financial despair.  This is why continually reading books relating to personal finances is so important.  Even if you only take 5 minutes a day to read a couple of pages.  You'll find yourself advancing towards your ultimate goals.  Remember that when you reach a goal, reward yourself and set a new goal.  We can only move forward if we always have a goal in front of us.  This takes time, patience and practice but is very achievable.

The past couple weeks I have been home with my family to celebrate the holidays.  Come Tuesday, January 3rd, I'll be off and running again.  Although I still work to make ends meet, I have set new goals to replace the old and am on a direct path to reach them.  This brings me to one of my greatest downfalls, procrastination.  Procrastination has plagued me my whole life.  I will sit there thinking of all the things that need to be done and put it off until the last minute.  Sometimes I perform better when pressured into doing something, having no choice but to tackle it.  Other times I need to self-motivate.  I'm sure many of you have the same problem as I do.  We look for the easiest path and when we can't find one we step aside and hope for the best.  I know it can be hard at times to find motivation.  Believe me, I know how hard it can be but people who "Just Focus and Do It" achieve so much more.  Now for my disclaimer... "Just Focus and Do It" is derived from my training at Rapport Leadership International.  If you ever get invited, and you can only attend if invited, do not hesitate to go.  I had sent my oldest child and intend on sending my other two as time allows.  It is a very mind opening experience that gets you to dig deep into yourself and find the leader qualities we all have.  What you take away from it is up to you.  Some have gone and really find nothing.  They are happy with how they live and the situations they are in.  Others have revelations of great proportions that forever change their lives such as I did.  When things get tough, I look back on what that has taught me as well as the books I've read.  Much like this blog, I had put it off for so long.  I have come to realize that this is truly a great way for me to journal my progress and help others discover their own "Success from within".

As far as today goes, we finish some holiday cookies, cheese balls and Chex Mix.  I'll make some bacon wrapped smokies later.  I'll cut up some summer sausage, cheese and veggies.  It'll only be my wife and myself but we will toast in the New Year as we do every year.  Since moving to the Mid-West, I don't watch to ball come down but I'll still toast to everyones health and good fortune for the coming year.  I've already prepared for tomorrows dinner from Honeybaked Ham.  We'll be having Prime Rib as our first family meal of the New Year.  A prosperous year helped make that a reality.  I've prepared for my trip to Kansas on the 3rd so I don't have to worry about that.  Very little left to do except so sprucing up around the house.

What does 2017 have in store for me.  Well in the next couple weeks I'll see an addition to the family.  Our first grandson will be brought into this world.  My oldest daughter will be coming back to Iowa for that event.  With all the traveling I do, I was able to book her first class on Delta for the week visit.  This too is a result of a prosperous 2016.  I do wish she would listen to us and move back here but she is old enough to make her own decisions and mistakes.  I will no undoubtedly be traveling when the baby arrives but I know he'll be surrounded by family and loved ones to welcome him into the world.  New goals for the year is to really make progress on the house and a new savings goal.  It is tough at times to say no to buying something when the money is there but really has another purpose.  I also have been looking at new ways of relaxing.  Ways to let me unwind with the week after week travels I've run into the last couple years.  The money is good but it shouldn't come at a cost of personal health.  With that I've been working on getting the funds together to follow some passions of mine.

Allowing yourself to pursue your passion can be a great personal healer.  Finding a way to monetize your passion also opens up a whole new world of opportunities.  It creates extra income or even a fall back if you lose your position in economic unrest.  Allows you to be creative in your own way.  Brings happiness and self piece because you are doing something you enjoy.  Personal satisfaction since you may even be sharing it with others who enjoy the same thing.

Well I'm going to get back to getting rid of some more office clutter, so I can start the New Year with a fresh outlook and a cleaner working environment...

Wishing everyone safe travels and Happy Holidays!!!

Friday, December 30, 2016

2 Days left until the New Year...

Only 2 days left of 2016!!!

Are you ready for it?  In eager anticipation, waiting for a fresh new start.  Hoping that this coming year will be better than the last or at least not worse.  Let us delve into what 2016 has done for me...

2016 has proved to be a much better year from those past.  I have saved more than I ever imagined.  Gave more than I ever did before.  Earned more than I ever have in my entire life.  I have been able to get things for my family that I probably would never have if I didn't follow some tried and true financial steps.  All in books I continue to read.  I have a lot of time to do this on my numerous flights through the year.  It still might not have been the perfect year but it leads me to believe that I am better prepared than ever before for any financial challenges that might occur.

In December of 2015 my wife had weight loss surgery. Even the whole year of preparation for this was life changing for the family.  Our eating habits have changed and the foods we get have improved.  Ingredient checking is a must, even more so than in the past. Part of the process is that my wife needs to exercise everyday.  Having a back issue can cause this to be problematic.  Way back in 2009 we bought a pool, against my better judgment, and have been paying for it since.  This is one of the last loans I need to clear before being pretty much free other than our mortgage which has tax saving qualities.  To help with her exercising, at least in the summer months, I decided I'd open it.  It had not been used in two years and now needed a liner.  In the past this would have been a problem financially but I was able to afford it because I had spent the last few years taking steps to insure funds for unexpected projects.  I will elaborate further at a later time on how you can accomplish this as well.  The problem that confronted me next was how to empty the now very pungent and stagnant water that was still in the pool.  This had to be done in order to remove the old liner and install the new one.  More funding was needed to obtain a gas powered trash pump that could siphon out the bad water.  This investment proved to be worth while since I used it again at the end of the season to bring the level down to close the pool for the winter.  Another project that cost a bit of cash was the new garage door.  Our old door was built by a company that was no longer in business and from the 1950's.  I had to special order the door since only a commercial size door would fit.  Some time was involved in assembling the door and my son helped a bit.  Our schedules didn't match very well but in the end a new door was in place.  I once again attempted to install my new set of windows that I had boarded up but found I needed some more materials to rebuild the frame.  Our 2005 Yukon XL had seen better days so I started looking for a 3/4 Ton from 1999 to replace it.  I was able to get a great deal on a low mileage '99 GMC Suburban in CA.  I flew out, spent the night in a Double Tree near the airport.  Used Uber for the first time and paid cash for the truck.  I then proceeded on the 24 hour drive home.  This may sound crazy but I was able to see parts of the country I never would have if I didn't.  Needless to say, if I hadn't followed some of the learned strategies that my books had offered, the opportunity would have been missed.

2016 also allowed me to help my son get another car and I lent the 2005 Yukon XL to them until he can get his truck fixed.  None of this would have been possible a few years ago.  I continue to watch what I spend and caution the wife on items she's looking at but we have been freer to buy things unobtainable in the past.

So let's recap on how you too can achieve this kind of success...

  1. Pay Yourself First...  You've earned it, worked for it and deserve it!!!
  2. Give... Of yourself either time or money to help others, it will come back to you ten fold.
  3. Have a goal...  Where do you see yourself in the next 5 yrs, 10 yrs?  Write it down!!! No goal is too big... New house, car, career... Only you can decide this.
  4. Find your passion... What are you passionate about and how can it help you succeed?
  5. Focus on your goal(s)... How can you achieve it?  Is what you are doing now going to help you get there?
  6. Reward yourself... When you reach a goal, you need to give yourself something back.  Our minds work better when we know that there will be some reward to the hard work we've done.
  7. Stop worrying and start living...  What's the worst that can happen?  What will the result be if it does?  We sometimes think and then worry about the worst but 9 out of 10 this never comes to pass.  So why worry about it?  Except the worst and breath easier when it doesn't.
  8. Make even the little things in life count...  When you wake up, take a deep breath and thank God or the Universe for another day.
  9. Change the "I'll try" attitude to a "I Will" attitude...  If you continually tell yourself "I'll try", nothing will be accomplished.  There is no such thing as try.  Your mind works with "I will" and having a strong "Will do" attitude brings in many positive things into your life.
  10. Reduce the clutter... I'll admit I'm a bit of a hoarder and need to channel my focus at times.  So I've created a journal to keep thoughts in.  In the process of doing this I have found a system that seems to work very well.  It's called the Bullet Journal and is very effective at organizing your life.
I could probably go on with many other things to help you get closer to your inner success but these are some things that helped me over the past few years.

Tomorrow we will say goodbye to 2016 so be safe and Happy Holidays...

Thursday, December 29, 2016

The New Year is getting closer...

Are you ready for the New Year?

I'm on a roll here, so can I keep it going?  I am inclined to think that anything is possible provided you put your mind to it.  So let's continue with what I learned from my own personal experience.  I know I'm guilty of wasting time and as I get older time is becoming more valuable.  Don't let it slip through your fingers...

As I look back, yet again, I wonder where the time has gone.  So as not to waste any more precious time, I'm sharing the last several years of personal experience in growth.  As the blog states "Success From Within", it truly does generate itself from within our on existence.  It may take some poking and prodding from outside sources to get us motivated but it's possible for us to better ourselves in ways we'd never imagine.

2012 brought it's own challenges.  More house work, vehicle issues and the ever slow recovery of the economy.  I continued reading and applying what I learned to my everyday life to improve my situation.  My traveling was getting more extensive as business started to pick up.  I found that almost every book I picked up all said the same thing.  Set goals, focus on the future, save and give to create abundance.  My two oldest children were now out on their own, although I still supplied them with insurance and vehicles.  The nest had shrunk and so did my out flow of cash.  I concentrated on my savings and found more places to stash it.  Hiding it away so I'd never have to face the multiple years of stress I had when the recession hit.

2013 threw a curve ball as my company was sold to a huge corporation.  The finalization was at the end of the year.  We felt it was for the good of our survival in the industry but wouldn't know for sure until the conversion was complete.  Business continued to grow and so did the traveling.  I continued on making improvements to the house.  I had another section of roof leaking that needed to be replaced.  There were other changes around the house.  The exact year this happened eludes me so sorry if I'm jumping back in time.  Our neighbor across the highway sold their property to the same gentleman who bought the acreage next to us.  He is the local banks CEO and was starting to cattle farm.  I rent my well to him since it runs over to his acreage and I let him graze the cattle behind my house just to keep the grasses down.  Near years end we had a meeting in Maryland where the new company made all the usual announcements.  The bad news of big corporate running was evident.  That feeling of needing to move on was sinking in but for some reason I decided to tough it out.

2014 was a much better year.  The best I'd had in a long time.  The reading, saving and giving were starting to pay off.   I'm not one to budget my money but with sticking too my guns I was able to start getting things that I normally would not have been able to in the past.  I sent my youngest on some trips that the other two didn't have the luxury of but also she is more out going than the others were.  I had replaced two exterior doors and had central air installed for the house.  Vehicle swapping was a little more easier since I had cash to deal with it.  Our savings grew and the pressures of paying on time were gone.  I was finally able to get a credit card again and made sure that it was paid in full every month.  I found new ways to get extra cash such as shopathome.  Buying through their website allowed me to get cash back on purchases.  The Ibotta app also was a great way to get cash back from grocery shopping.  A positive outlook on things and always looking at new opportunities pushed me forward to a better, more relaxed life.  Not to say that all is perfect but many worries went away.  I am left with only one loan other than the mortgage but I set up an accelerated  payoff plan and am happy with the results.  I did have a fight with them since they had taken over the loan and were mishandling the funds I was sending.  I simply made copies of all my canceled checks and sent them a nice letter stating where they missed my payments.  I also sent it registered with a statement saying if it wasn't handled in a timely matter, my lawyer would be receiving it.  Needless to say they came through rather quickly to fix the issue and there has been no issues since.

2015 was an all out better year.  As usual there is always something that will spring up and steal your cash but overall it went well.  I hit my goal of how much money I wanted in the bank.  Traveling was getting pretty extreme.  Spent very little time at home but it paid the bills.  Nothing really done with the house this year but a new set of windows was bought.  I bit too much for me to put in alone so they sit for now and the old ones are boarded up to keep the elements out.  My new company was again put policies into place that made no sense for our industry.  Seemed as though they were doing everything in their power to destroy what ever profits we are generating.  As the small group of guys I work with tried to stay under the radar, we still felt the little pricks and pinches the big corp was rolling out to us.  I had multiple accounts set up for various things so nothing would take me by surprise again.  At years end I had made the decision to do the 52 week challenge.  You can find out about it yourself @ 52weekmoneychallenge.

I figure I've ranted enough for today... Tomorrow I'll finish up with 2016.

Regards and Happy Holidays!!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Another year passes by....

Another year is reaching its end!

For anyone who has stumbled upon my blog and has read any of it.  You will know that I have not stuck with it and only write once a year.  Commitment is part of success.  I've had ups and downs over the last few years and am now ready to share what I've learned.

At times life tends to catch up to us.  We miss small opportunities that would lead us to a better, more fulfilling life.  I travel for a living and have for the past 8.5 years.  I have relocated my family to provide a better living environment and made every attempt to improve our lives.  I've made several mistakes along the way but have been able to learn from them.  In the interim, I have read several books to help with finances and gathered much knowledge to advance my goals.  Does this qualify me as an expert?  Probably not but does it allow me to help someone else avoid the same mistakes?  Most likely but as the old adage goes "Opinions are like @$$holes, everyone has one".  If I offend anyone, that's good, means you're reading, listening and learning.  It gets you out of your comfort zone, causing you to form your own path to success.  If you're easily offended, then "Suck it up Buttercup" because the road to success doesn't get any easier and isn't for the soft hearted.  I'm not saying that you shouldn't be kind at heart or caring but you will need thick skin to advance.  You may feel I'm pushing your buttons at this point but that is also good.  Everyone needs a little poke now and then to get up and moving towards their goals.  Every year I make new commitments.  Some I keep, some I lose and forget about.  Kind of like this blog, seems to get lost in the shuffle of everyday life.

So lets get started....

First off, my thoughts tend to be a little scattered at times and the order of events may vary from what is told.  I will do my best not to jump around but I can't guarantee this.  Secondly, although spell check is available for this, my grammar isn't always the best either.  As most anyone may know the English language isn't the most friendly to learn.  Thirdly, I don't believe in or perform "Political Correctness"!  You can see for yourself what political correctness has done to USA so if that's what you've come looking for then you've arrived at the wrong location.  Please take your ball and go home, with your tail between your legs or what ever you feel necessary to shield yourself from the offensiveness I may spew out.  Don't worry though, I'm an equal opportunity offender and won't discriminate when I do offend.

With the disclaimer out of the way, lets continue....

In 2007 the economy headed into a tailspin that would last what seemed a lifetime.  I was actually making more than I had my entire life but still like most living paycheck to paycheck.  We lived in PA and over my life the area progressively went down hill.  The bad elements from NJ and NYC were slowly moving in as the older generations moved out or died off.  My home which had been my grandfathers since 1948, went from having a latch hook on the garage door and a skeleton key for the back door all had to be dead bolted.  A security system was installed to reduce the threat of break-ins but to no avail.  Security systems had to be installed on the cars that use to be left unlocked only a few years earlier.  This was the breaking point.  As much as I liked the home and wished to keep it in the family I quickly realized it was time to move on.  My wife had prodded my for years about leaving and now was the time.  I told her pick a state and I'll find a job there.  Our first original focus was on Maine but a recruiter called with a position in Iowa.  If I had been a little more knowledgeable of the countries events, I probably would have passed on the opportunity.  It was in the automotive parts manufacturing industry.  When I interviewed there, it seemed like a golden opportunity to get my family to a better part of the country but little did I know that the industry itself was about to spiral into a bottomless pit.  It was the end of 2008, I excepted the position and used my life savings to move the family to a fixer upper farm house in rural IA.  At first the position itself paid well with the overtime but then the cutbacks started.  Reduction of hours yet to mention the temporary shutdowns that mirrored car manufactures which meant temporary layoffs.  I should have figured that there was something up with the new employer when everyone I met and heard where I was working suggested other places that could use my expertise.  Needless to say, there was way more drama there than I wanted to deal with.  After 8 months, enough was enough and I was in search of something better.  In mid 2009 I lucked out and found a position that I already knew the equipment and some of the people that worked there.  The pay wasn't as high as I'd like but I figured it would work out.   Unfortunately the economy was worsening and everyone was tightening their belts including my new industry.  What made matters worse was that I had dug a hole that was a bit of a challenge to dig out of.  The car and house were behind and I couldn't afford to lose either one.  Another thing that went against me was that the IRS had audited my move and were nailing me with some new taxes for the money I used to buy my house.  Life seemed to make a turn for the worst.  We were close to losing everything just when things should have been getting better.

The next couple of years almost seem like a blur.  2010 led to many sleepless nights of worry.  The problems compounding themselves like catching up on payments and the fixer upper house needing way more than anticipated.  Our electric had issues and I had started a claim that didn't turn into anything payable for insurance but my insurance company decided to drop us.  Now was a panic to find a provider and after several I finally found one that would work with our otherwise non-insurable house.  I had to resort to hiding our vehicle to prevent repossession.  My new company gave us 2 weeks of unpaid furlough which didn't help matters.  Our church though, gave us some money towards our bills and took a collection that paid our propane for the winter.  A change in how we shopped also proved to help in cost cutting.  This is when we went to a Thrift Shop that was missions based.  Everyone working there were volunteers and all proceeds went towards bible missions.  We bought the kids a ton of clothes and I picked up a handful of financial books.  Can't be reading material for a quarter.  This is what started me on a new path, a new path to financial awareness.  This isn't the only thing that helped.  My Dale Carnegie coarse also added great value to my knowledge of our financial situation.  Due to my hard work ethics and being dependable my salary increased to more livable levels for the family.  Also the kids were growing up and moving out.

2011 was the getting over the hump year.  It was still tough but the light started to shine brightly at the end of the long tunnel we were in.  The Yukon was finally paid off freeing up a substantial amount of cash and lifting a very heavy burden off the family.  I was able to slowly make the changes mentioned in the books I was reading to secure financial stability.  I pretty much broke even that year with at least making on time payments.  The older 2 kids were the new problems where they needed transportation so I forked over money I really didn't have to get so vehicles.  Of course this placed new added costs to my bottom line that I wasn't ready for.  Let alone things that had to be fixed on the house such as the porch floor, stairs and roof.  Seemed like every time I had a plan to save something else would pop up to take it away.  This is were I became creative and used forced savings.  So before I continue with my trials and tribulations, lets look at what some of the financial books said.
  • Pay yourself  before all else
This is in every book.  You work hard for you money so you should get to keep some of it for your own wants and desires.  We are too quick to create bills and make that the focus a priority in our lives.  In todays society everything is direct deposit.  We don't get a paycheck and then run to the back to cash it, split it up between savings, checking and cash in the pocket for shopping.  Those days are long gone.  The ATM and credit cards are the norm.  With that being the case we have a bad habit of going to the ATM, looking at what's in the account and judging how much we can suck out for cash and what needs to remain to pay bills.  This is where forced savings really helps.  I have a couple accounts that aren't easily accessible.  They aren't with a local bank that I can just go to a grab the cash.  I know when my check is deposited so I have a portion automatically rerouted to these "other" accounts.  If you start with a small amount, you will never miss it.  Once you realize that it doesn't hurt you and you see the cash growing, you'll find more ways to add more.  I get paid twice a month on the 15th and 30th every month.  So on both those dates I have $5 transferred from my main account to my forced savings account.  I also had a written goal of how much I wanted to have in the bank.  This amount can be what every you feel comfortable with.  I also looked at tax advantages such as my companies 401K that has a match percentage up to a certain amount.  That's like getting free money and you should take as much advantage of that as possible.  Here again I started small with 1%.  Every year when my raise comes up I'll add 1%.  I never miss the few extra dollars that are being deferred plus it helps shelter some of my earnings at tax time.  I also started putting towards and IRA.  I started out small and keep working my way up. 
  • Give to your church or charity
I understand that this can be as challenging at times the same as paying yourself but it plays a very important part of how money works.  The funny thing I've found about this is that although I didn't give regularly, every time I did things seemed to improve.  After our church had given to my family to get through the tough financial situation we were in, I made a conscious decision to give back.  I had never had an institution give in such a way.  I have successfully increased my contribution to them every year since.  You can feel good knowing that the money you are giving is going to help others.  Along with this it is tax deductible and will help when the tax man comes knocking the following year.  Here again it is best to start out small and comfortable.

I know what you're thinking... I can't make ends meet now and you want me to give my money away. Even stash some for a rainy day.  It seems ominous and near impossible but here I am today working on my new 2nd level savings goal.  I've given more than I have ever given in my life and have put more away then ever before.  I now have some cash set aside for true emergencies.  Remember, you can have more than one account where you put your money away.  I have several and the "total" of all accounts is what sets my goal.  I can easily switch funds between accounts via on-line and have debit cards tied to them for true emergencies.  A true emergency isn't the need to have Chinese or a movie night.  It's for when you need the doctor, car repair or some other unforeseen issue arises.  You'll be happy you saved it up.  Also make sure there aren't any fees and you're getting interest on your money.  If you're not gaining anything or you're paying out just for the convenience of have the money in an account, it's not worth it.  Find a bank that allows you to truly save and earn.

I'm going to stop here for today but I hope this gives you some encouragement and a place to start your road to success and financial freedom.

Regards and Happy Holidays