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Monday, February 28, 2011



"When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds. Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be. "

—Patanjali, (c. first to third century B.C.)

As you can see I have been focusing on how the mind can be used to get what we want - Success.  We need constant stimulation, motivation, inspiration, encouragement and a sense of well being to move forward.  I'd like to share another quote from an email I received.
Enlightenment Is About Being Available
By Jafree Ozwald

The most exquisite and enlightening experience of your life instantly shows up when you are fully open, receptive and available to the Universe. By being completely open, receptive and available to whatever the divine existence is offering you in this moment, the greatest experience of life simply pours in. Every deeply loving, successful, and magically divine experience will throw itself at your feet when you are open, available and receptive. This moment contains the magical state of enlightenment, and you can discover it spontaneously when you give up searching "out there" for the happiness, fulfillment or the "answers", and start trusting your ability to receive the grace that is inherently yours to be experienced.

Imagine you are like a wildflower, who is always opening and receptive to the warm gentle light from the Sun. The soft delicate flower petals must then also be open to experiencing the harsher elements, such as the wind, rain, fertilizer and competitive weeds for a growing life to persist. When you live your life like this wildflower, you root yourself deep into fertile soil and welcome whatever enlightening or not so enlightening experiences life brings you. You know that all the soft and hard elements you attract are necessary for your soul's highest evolution, and thus allow for each experience to enter you fully. As a result, a great strength and beauty is developed, and only is seen when you are consistently open and receptive to every experience life brings your way.

The experience of being open, receptive and available spontaneously happens when you have an unshakable trust that this highly intelligent loving existence always knows what's best for you. Unstoppable receptivity is your ticket into Heaven, and yet to open the door and walk through the gates you will need 100% trust. When you've reached absolute trust on your inner world, your outer world feels this divine quality radiating from you, and the spark of enlightenment instantly ignites within you.

Living in this supreme state of trust and enlightened availability means you need to be a spiritual warrior on your inner world. You get to constantly choose to be a radically free from all limitations that arise in the mind, and decide to live beyond the confines of every social belief the world presents. To go beyond the limits of your own ego/mind takes a very courageous warrior-like energy that is ready to die for freedom. This may be the most terrifying and/or a liberating experience you'll ever have in your life, yet it also means that you are ready to truly be alive, and live your truth on the deepest levels.

Inside your heart of hearts is a state of immense joy, unfathomable love and freedom that is independent of any outer cause or experience. This enlightening experience is found only through letting go of this constant struggle to attain some better, new and improved experience of life. As you slowly tire of the ego's constant outer search, you will naturally start being divinely receptive to the Light within and discover an exquisite infinite source of inner peace inside you. It is already here, at the core of your being, just underneath all your desires. This enlightening path leads you to a life that is naturally spontaneous, creative and devoted totally to this moment of existence. From here you don't have to search for any profound life experience, the enlightenment experience simply finds its way into you. As you become available to experienc e anything and everything that arises inside you, you'll see this enlightening existence naturally awakens within. Have a deeply profound and super enlightening week...enjoy!

As you can see that this message holds great meaning and is inspiring.  Find your inspiration and let it enlighten you to great success.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Think Bigg...

Think Bigg...

I mean BIGG -- it's a simple process that leads to success all the time.  Most people don't think BIGG... they just think and wonder why their lives never change or get better.  Thinking BIGG is simple... you're probably wondering what BIGG is or what's the BIGG deal.  When you think BIGG and stay on track you'll succeed, no matter what your goals.

Here's what thinking BIGG really means:
B - Believe in Yourself.
I - Inspiration from others.
G - Goal setting.
G - Go for it.

There is a process that you need to apply in order to make thinking BIGG work for you and today I'll show you exactly how to apply the process of thinking BIGG so that you get the results you want.  It's pretty simple and straight forward and when you follow what I outline you'll get the results you want.  So read on and enjoy...

When you think BIGG you get your subconscious mind focused on bringing you the people, situations and circumstances that will help you succeed.  Thinking BIGG is more than just having a few thoughts and big ideas.

The first step is to believe in yourself.

A lot of people want to make more money, they want to be in a great relationship, they want to have a great career, they want to enjoy life but they really don't believe they can.  Believing means you absolutely know that you can and will succeed.  Wanting is a yearning.  You want something to fill a void, it's a good starting point but you need to go from wanting to believing.  When you believe you basically tell your subconscious mind that you're ready for success and that you expect nothing less than success. It's not about saying I will instead, believe that you are succeeding and getting what you want (filling that void).

Next: Inspiration from others.

Draw inspiration from others.  I do this all the time.  Hey if they can succeed so can you.  You can do anything that they can do and you may even be able to do it better.  Learn from them but be inspired there are new achievements being made everyday and your achievements are just around the corner.  Every 4 years we see Olympic records being crushed.  Those athletes believe in themselves and they dray inspiration from their predecessors.  When you're inspired you basically light up your subconscious mind, you give it some extra energy and extra drive; it realizes that what you want is important and begins working harder for you.  When you see somebody succeed praise them and be inspired because you're next.  It's a message your subconscious mind picks up and drives you to succeed.

Step 3 - Goal setting.

Believe it or not this is where a lot of people fail.  They don't set clear goals, they don't know what they want and they don't have measurable goals.  So set a goal.  Be clear and be specific.  Understand why you want this goal.  The why helps you be clear and stay motivated.  Make sure you can measure your success otherwise you won't know if you're making any progress.  Then check your progress and make adjustments.  When you have clear goals, you can stay focused.  When you're focused on something and repeatedly give it attention you begin to draw the positive people who will help you succeed.  Your subconscious mind sees this as a clear instruction and it understands that it needs to get this done.  Your goal needs to be achieved.  Your subconscious says this is so important we have to make this happen.  At this point your subconscious begins to work overtime to help you achieve your goal.  But success won't happen without the final component.

That's the second G - Go for it.

You have to go for it.  You have to take action.  You can't sit around and wait for everything to come to you.  That's not how you succeed.  Olympic athletes train everyday for years... their success doesn't come overnight.  They have to keep going for it; even when they were tired, when they have setbacks, when they get sick or injured, they keep going.  You have to keep going for it.  You have to keep pursuing your goal because the minute you give up you fail and that's a certainty.  When you keep pursuing your goal, when you believe in yourself, when you draw inspiration from others, when you set clear goals and you go for it; you mind, subconscious mind and the universe get the message.  They realize that this is something that must happen and they have to make it happen for your.  You're doing everything you can to succeed and they have no choice but to help you.

Start thinking BIGG today.

Start achieving your goals today.

When you think BIGG you succeed.  When you direct the full power of your mind an subconscious mind you enjoy success sooner and it becomes a habit - so you succeed and achieve your goals more and more often.  Think of it as a way of programming yourself to get more of what you want.

Right now you've likely programmed your mind and subconscious mind to create more and more of what you don't want.  That's why nothing changes.  You may want change but your subconscious mind is programmed to create the same thing over and over again.  It's time to change the way your mind and subconscious mind works.  It's time to re-program your subconscious so that it creates more of what you want.  Begin applying a new thought process.  Begin seeing things differently and begin directing your mind and subconscious mind to create more of what you want.

Remember if you don't do anything - if you don't change the way your mind works and direct your subconscious mind to create the life you want - everything stays the same - nothing changes.  This is you life - make the most of it - begin working with the power of your mind and subconscious mind to create the life you want and deserve.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Super Manifesting Video

Super Manifesting Video

This is such a powerful video that I had to share it with you.  If you enjoy this video then go to Enlightened Messages to view more.

How badly do you want it?

How badly do you want it?

That is the question of the day.  How badly DO YOU want it?  How badly do you want Success?  I recently found myself asking that question.  When I look at how the past year turned out, I realized that it was time to change the strategy.  I had written down in "My book of knowledge" that you can't expect a change if you don't change the strategy.  If the results you are getting now are not what you want then you'll need to make a change.  How big of a change?  You may only need to make a small adjustment in order to get your desired results.  When I look back at the past few years I realized that I had made many mistakes.  I didn't stick with what was working for me.  I didn't even realize that I made that change until the results were near devastating.  I took a step back and formulated a new game plan to make this year the best yet.  It still comes down to how badly I want it.

I had mentioned in the past about conviction to yourself and your goals.  This still holds true and correlates to how big your desire is to achieve something.  I also spoke about perseverance and this also ties to your conviction and your desire for success.  This is why Writing your goals down is essential and placing reminders in plain sight.  This keeps that burning desire to drive forward towards your goal.  Success does not come from thin air.  I wish at times that I could just wave my magic wand and say "Abra freakin' cadabra" *POOF* your a success but that just isn't realistic.  I have had such burning desires to accomplish a task that I couldn't sleep at night.  My mind constantly thinking about the problem at hand, searching for a solution.  Sometimes the solution is so simple that is often overlooked.  So how badly do you want it, the success, the achievement, your dream, your goal?  Do you have that overwhelming desire and drive to see it through?  Here again I'm on top of the soap box, preaching about things I have found to work for me.  You may get tired of hearing it but I can't drive this home hard enough that everyone and I mean everyone runs into a state suspended animation.  By this I mean we literally stall out and float with no motivation to move forward.  Inspiration does not always just come to us, we need to find it.

I enjoy receiving The Daily Energize sent out by Rich German or receiving my daily Enlightened Messages.  They both help to keep me focused and on track.  They have a way of picking me up when I have fallen into a state of inactivity.  People like Rich German or Patric Chan are an inspiration by overcoming the obstacles and reaching a level of life that they enjoy. So as I had mentioned in a previous blog along with a Stevie Nicks video, don't let the "Landslide" bring you down.  Here is to all of your future successes.  Cheers! 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The power of positive thinking!

The power of positive thinking!

"Expect your every need to be met, expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level, expect to grow spiritually. You are not living by human laws. Expect miracles and see them take place. Hold ever before you the thought of prosperity and abundance, and know that doing so sets in motion forces that will bring it into being." ~Eileen Caddy

Every once and a while I receive an email that truly moves me.  The message above was received first thing this morning and I just had to share it with you.  I have been testing different products that deal with the mind.  These principles utilize many different aspects of how we think and perceive things.  Subliminal messages and brain entrainment are two of the many ways people have been trying to adapt their minds for a more positive outlook.  I have downloaded and listened to many of these programs.  I have been discovering some great results in how my everyday thinking has changed.  I have become more positive and outgoing.  I have been able to stay more focused and concentrate more on the tasks at hand.  I have also been able to reduce my over all stress that the last few years have presented me with.

Manifestation has been a topic of discussion for decades.  The purpose is to will what you want to happen or materialize in your life.  The object being that if you want something bad enough the universe will work in your favor to achieve it.  Everyone emits an energy or ora that is either positive or negative.  This energy effects things and people around us.  If start out positive, this energy can be transferred to other people and things throughout our day to create more positive energy.  Take for instance a simple smile.  Just by smiling at someone can cause a contagious reaction that will spread.  While on the other hand, negative energy, can bring other people and things around you down.  Both energies are equally powerful and have great effect on how your day may progress.  Though certain techniques you can actually learn to train yourself to manifest your way to a positive and glowing life.  Reduce stress and anxiety to produce a healthier outlook on life.  Once your reduce the negative, you can focus on producing the positive.  With creation of the positive energy and proper direction, your goals and dreams become unstoppable.

Imagine that you can write out your deepest desires and withing no time at all achieve them.  Once trained to think positively it will become second nature and you will automatically produce positive actions in your life.  You will only need to re-enforce those thoughts through occasional supplemental training.  The initial training may take days, weeks or even months to produce results.  This all depends on how truly receptive you are to the training program.  Belief is over 90% of the course.  Only through true belief that the program will work can a quick change be realized.  If you are sceptical then the training will take longer but your subconscious mind will slowly change to bring you the results that you desire.  Some downloads are free, so try it out for a few weeks and watch your life change for the better.

Monday, February 21, 2011



"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

—Thomas A. Edison, on inventing the light bulb

These are words to live by and tie into what I had discussed earlier about conviction.  I'm not sure if I shared this following story before but even if I did, I believe it is well worth repeating.  It is an excellent example of how perseverance along with conviction would have made someones dreams come true.

During the gold rush, a prospector staked a claim on a piece of property that he felt had a large amount of gold buried on it.  He started digging and found various bits and pieces but nothing very significant.  He invested every bit of money he earned to buy equipment to dig his mine.  After years of digging the prospector started growing weary of his claim.  A man visited him one day with a proposal to buy his claim and all his equipment.  The prospector thought for a moment about all the years of hard work he had put into his mine but thought this was a way to recoup his lost money.  The prospector took the money joyfully thinking that this poor guy will find nothing as well.  Now the man that bought the claim had no intention of digging himself, in fact he hired a geologist to study the land.  He was very pleased when the results came back.  It seems that if the prospector would have stuck it out and dug about another 3 feet, he would have hit one of the largest veins of gold ever found.

So you see, perseverance pays off.  If Thomas Edison would have given up inventing, many of the great inventions that revolutionized our world today may not exist or may have taken many more years to be discovered.  Think about the light bulb, telephone, phonograph and even motion pictures all were invented because someone believed that it could exist.  In this day and age we tend to take for granted the modern conveniences we have.  Just visit a country that doesn't offer the electric, transportation or even the clean water that many of us enjoy today.  You will see how the perseverance and conviction of many great people in history has helped to mold the world in which we live in. 

If you are facing challenging times and are about to give up, don't!  Your salvation may be just around the corner.  I have been tested during these financially tough times.  I believe through my constant perseverance I will come out ahead and with that I want you to be able to say the same thing.  I realize that my definition of success is a little different from what many believe.  This brings to mind another topic I will share with you in the future about the concept of money and what it represents.  I have recently read some information that opened my eyes about the way I think and feel about money.  I have come to a part of my life where it is make it or break it.  The pinnacle of a new beginning of financial freedom.  To have one of the biggest debts payed for in full.  To be down to counting the months left until that fateful last payment is sent out.  To finally be on a cash for everything basis.  Now that is a success in my mind.  I have followed programs, guru's and advice from so many on how to handle a situation that came out of nowhere like a landslide.  Just to emphasize the point I have included an excellent version of Stevie Nicks singing "Landslide".

Remember not to let the landslide bring you down.  Perseverance will prevail.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

What Time Is It?

What Time Is It?

This is a popular question that comes up on Cartoon Network.  What time is it?  It's Adventure Time!  That's what Jake on Adventure Time exclaims as he's off on some new, wild adventure.  For most of us though when asked "What Time Is It?" we just look for a clock or our watches for the actual time.  We don't really realize that time is more valuable then we perceive it.  How quickly time seems to pass us by.  Another quote that comes from a teachers wall above their clock is "Time Will Pass Will You?".  This quote made you think of your not so distant future of being able to pass or fail the class.  The truth in that statement is that time will pass.  Time is infinite and will never stop so what we do with our time is so very important.  So why am I bringing time up now in the midst of helping you focus on creating your convictions?  The answer is simple, there is no time like the present to get your life in order and make a difference in your success.

Tom Hanks as Forest Gump had said "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get".  This is true to a point and that point is whether or not you make the active decision to do what it takes to make a change in your life.  So many of us are constantly picking through the box of chocolates searching for what's best.  It's hard to figure out which one is the one we are looking for unless we are given a map to which chocolate is which.  This is why writing down our objectives is so important.  With out a map we become lost.  So what does time have to do with all this?  We can not reach our goals with the map alone, it takes time and effort to reach the end.  If we do not set a time to reach a goal we may never achieve our objectives.  Our mind will think that it's OK because there is no sense of urgency.  If we set a time to reach our goal then our mind will start to work on ways to reach the objective.

I have set many goals for 2011, some are very ambitious and others are not so but with one month down already I am on track.  Hopefully you have set your goals, have your objectives in sight and are on track with your resolutions as well.  If you haven't started yet then there is no time like the present to get started.  Goal setting and time management are a big part of a successful persons life.  I have personally started using several tools to strengthen my conviction towards my goals and objectives.  Better organizing my time and energy so I can be successful in achieving my goals sooner.  I have even looked into different programs that will strengthen my weaknesses and make me a better person in the future.  I have checked my lists to determine which goals are still valid and where I need to focus my attention so I can reach my objectives.  You will find yourself doing the same thing.  You may find that a goal you had set last month no longer applies and you will need to rethink your strategy to achieve your new goal.  As life goes on our goals and desires change as well.

I'd like to leave you with a song that's been on my mind a lot lately Joe Walsh "Life's Been Good".

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Personal Convictions

Personal Convictions...

Have you created your Personal Convictions?  Have you made a list of what is important to yourself?  Are you living your dream?  Have you created that burning desire to succeed no matter what?  At the end of last year things looked pretty bleak but I made a commitment, a conviction to myself that this was going to be my year.  The year that I reach a new plateau in my life. 
Many of us have been faced with great challenges and have found it hard to keep our faith about our future.  I have prayed for guidance and even questioned my beliefs, finding no answers.  Many sleepless nights and mounting health issues due to over whelming stress.  I started to utilize the tools available to me through great speakers and motivators.  Rich German's The Daily Energize, Patric Chan's  Success Trace, Mark Joyner's Simpleology 101, Enlightened Messages super manifest manual and another great inspiration that I stumbled upon Merry Riana, who had conquered great adversity.  These people have brought their lives to fantastic levels of success and are willing to share their knowledge with anyone that is willing to learn.

It has been many years since I have made such a conviction.  When I had done so in the past, great things formed in my life.  Somehow I lost that in recent years and have been working hard to regain it.  Now I have found it!  I am using it and working towards the goals that seemed unattainable.  I have found my conviction, my passion, my place, my destiny, my true light at the end of the tunnel.  Yes I was down and out but using what is available to me, I am able to overcome the obstacles that were laid out in front of me.  Even using little known Mind Secrets to help manifest a new reality pushes me closer to my goals.  Dreams and desires can be reached with proper devotion (conviction) and focus.  I had accomplished it once before and will do it again.  If I can achieve my desired level of success then anyone can.  I personally challenge you to check these people out.  Follow them like I do on Twitter and Facebook.  Get to know them, think like them and all your dreams and desires will become a reality.

Rapport International in Nevada changed my life forever.  It was an intense 2 1/2 day event that brought out a part of me that I never knew existed.  When I lose focus, I go back through my notes and the team list.  I visualize my experience, relive it in a sense within my mind.  I remember the changes that occurred in me and I focus on bringing that back out.  I believe that I was sent there for a greater purpose.  Not just because my company wanted me to be a better employee but that I was destined to be a better person.  Many people when they reach their 40's either have a mid-life crisis or have a great revelation that changes their outlook on life.  I feel that I don't truly know how long I will live so I don't know when to have a mid-life crisis.  With that in mind I can easily avoid it with my messed up logic and focus more on having a great revelation.  The revelation I am having is this, life is too short no matter how long you live.  Live as though everyday is your last.  So make everyday count towards your convictions.  Believe in yourself and your ideals.  Have faith that what you are doing here is important.  Just as every grain of sand in an hour glass is important, so is your purpose in life.  No one ever thought that the sand on a beach was important until it was nearly all gone and washed away by the ocean.  We are but grains of sand in time on a beach and the ocean is life trying to wash us away with our dreams.  One tiny grain of sand is nothing to the power of the waves but put all the grains together to make a vast shoreline.  Some times life is winning but other times we ourselves, joined with a vast array of others can win at the game of life.

May your convictions be true to your nature.  Hold you up when life gets you down.  Pick you up when you fall and never,ever, ever fail you.