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Monday, January 24, 2011

The Daily Energize

I opened my email today and BAM, there it was an email from Rich German.  It is The Daily Energize that I receive from Rich everyday.  It always has some sort of inspirational story, video or text but today's was special.  The theme for this week is CONVICTION.  Ironic how just only yesterday I decided to do a blog on creating convictions to live by and now this email comes to me as the theme of the week.

"Which is stronger: your belief or your circumstances?"
--Rich German 

So what is your motivation?  What is driving you to continue from day to day?  Are your circumstances causing a wave of disruption in your life?  Rich sends out The Daily Energize to start your day with a dose of energy and inspiration!  Sometimes that is all that is needed to kick start our day, get our mood set and get us underway to the opportunities that lie ahead.  Are you manifesting problems or solutions?  Is your passion and beliefs strong enough to help you overcome adversity?  These are questions that you need to answer and answer truthfully.  If not you are only lying to yourself about the direction your life is heading.  I've created this blog to show you how to learn by your mistakes and strengthen you pursuit of you goals, dreams and hearts desire.  I like to show you the people, places and literature that has inspired me to reach for greatness.

The Daily Energize has help me realize my potential, the potential within.  The potential of success and what it truly means to myself and my family.  I don't need to be a millionaire to find happiness.  I enjoy a fairly simple lifestyle with a few toys and some luxuries.  I don't need a mansion or a yacht, just a nice modest home and some water craft.  Land to look out upon and appreciate the wonders of the world.  A nice vehicle that I don't have to worry about breaking down when travelling around the country.  I enjoy my career and would keep it since I like what I do and the people I meet.  I would give back to my community that has showed my family kindness and support like no other.  These are the things I look for in my own success.  My success is truly unique and so is yours.  Only you can create the path you wish to travel.  Maybe a mansion and yacht are your thing.  Leaving the hustle and bustle of everyday life to do as you please.  Not worrying about money or waking up to an alarm clock.  Travelling the world and seeing sights that many dream about but never realize.  Yes, The Daily Energize will give you that motivation, power and inspiration to create a desire to achieve greatness in your life.

I've been working on another addition of this blog titled "Are you destined for greatness?"  May people are but haven't tapped their full potential yet.  They need direction and guidance to lead them down the correct path.  In order to be destined for greatness you must create your convictions and stick by them, live by them and utilize them in your everyday life.  I will be following Rich's Daily Energize and share with you his views on conviction.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Creating Convictions to Live By

Creating Convictions to Live By

How do we "Create Convictions to Live By"?  Through faith, focus and commitment, we create our goals.  Our desires and dreams can only become a reality if we completely commit ourselves to them.  We must live by these convictions that we have created or they will die and be lost forever.  As a student we strive for good grades and we study to get them.  As an athlete we practice or workout everyday to strengthen our weaknesses so we can perform at our best.  As parents we strive to provide for our children and give them the best the world has to offer.  Then there are those who do as little as possible to get by.  These are the critics and people who ridicule because they don't understand or know any better about what we are trying to accomplish.  They are the dream stealer's, the goal smasher's, the people who are only happy when the rest of the world is miserable.  Only through our own convictions can we overcome and surmount the negativity that these people spew out at us.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Are you stuck in the past?

Are you stuck in the past?

This is the question so many successful people will ask.  The past is the past and unless you are looking towards the future the past may actually bring you down.  It is great to have memories and reminisce about yesteryear but is it killing your chances for success?  I'm going to do something crazy here and show you some things that are from the past.  You may or may not remember any of these.  It is all dependant upon your age but see if these bring back some good memories of day's gone bye. 

Monday, January 17, 2011

My Blackberry is not working!

My Blackberry is not working!

Now you may think this is a strange topic for finding success from within but I would like to share with you some humor that I found about the real world technologies we have.  The British really do create a good chuckle with this video.

Remember that life is too short and anything that can bring a smile to your face is worth sharing.  All work and no play wrecks your chances of greater creativity.  I had an exercises in a power communication class that had us act as kids.  Showing us that if we don't take time out of our busy schedules to have some fun we would eventually end up in a rut.  Our careers or future plans would become stagnant and stall out.  When we were children, our creativity flowed, ideas and dreams grew into realities.  Even as adults we need to momentarily return to that state so we can refresh our ambitions to pursue our dreams.  With this we can truly achieve success from within.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Climbing the mountain of failure!

Climbing the mountain of failure!

So what does it mean to climb the mountain of failure?  Successful people do not become a success over night.  Just as with anything in life, when we strive to reach a goal and there are bound to be set backs.  Everyone who has achieved success has failed at some point but the key here is not to quit.  Never surrender your dreams or ambitions.  Many successful people keep a log or journal to track their journey to success.  With this they can keep track of what works and what does not work when achieving goals.  I have my own called my "Mystic Book of Knowledge".  I jot down my thoughts and things that I may tend to forget.  I would like to share some of these with you now. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Now I normally don't put 2 blogs out in a day but I have just received another email that I think drives home the point that our direction can cause us to succeed or fail.

 Scientists at NASA built a gun specifically to launch standard 4 pound dead chickens at the windshields of airliners, military jets and the space shuttle, all traveling at maximum velocity. The idea is to simulate the frequent incidents of collisions with airborne fowl to test the strength of the windshields.

British engineers heard about the gun and were eager to test it on the windshields of their new high speed trains. Arrangements were made, and a gun was sent to the British engineers.

When the gun was fired, the engineers stood shocked as the chicken hurled out of the barrel, crashed into the shatterproof shield, smashed it to smithereens, blasted through the control console, snapped the engineer's back-rest in two, and embedded itself in the back wall of the cabin, like an arrow shot from a bow.

The horrified Brits sent NASA the disastrous results of the experiment, along with the designs of the windshield and begged the U.S. scientists for suggestions.

NASA responded with a one-line memo --

"Defrost the chicken." (True Story)
You can clearly see that by missing a simple step or following the wrong direction can mean the difference between success and failure.  I hope in the least that this gave you a good chuckle and brightens your day.

It Don't Cost Nuthin' To Be Nice...


You may think this is a strange title but I received an email yesterday that had very important message in a story about being nice.  I also believe it reflects on how we can utilize it in our search for success. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Words to live by...

          Words to live by...  In our endless pursuit of happiness and success, we are left with many decisions.  Different paths to follow that will hopefully lead us to our goals, dreams and desires.  The one thing that always remains true is the fact that we each need a definite and defined purpose.  It is part of the Law of Attraction and is a key component to achieving success.  I have stumbled across a great video of Napoleon Hill that I'd like to share with you.

Friday, January 7, 2011

The future's so bright!

          Well it's dark out as I write this with some snow falling as well but waking up this morning I realized how bright the future really is.  I faced many challenges over the last several years and have met them head-on.  Now I eBay every so often, when they have a special like the past month.  I'll gather up my collection of "stuff", that my wife calls junk and put it online.  Now granted I may only get 99 cents for something but it's one less thing I'm tripping over.  I've been that pack rat for so many years and kept things I know I'll never use.  Some how I've been able to help someone find what they are looking for while putting some extra cash in my pocket. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 Bring it on!

          That's right, 2010 is gone and aren't you glad?  So many problems affecting everything we do and love.  Making so many sacrifices to keep what we have.  Selling off precious heirlooms, 401k's, collectibles and what ever else may contain some sort of value just to maintain our ability to live.  Turning down the heat that you can see your breath and feel a cold breeze across the floor.  Giving up that vacation timeshare or any kind of vacation at all for the sake of paying bills.  Dodging the repo-man, tax collector, debt assessor or who ever else wants what you don't have.  Afraid to open the mailbox or answer the phone.  Getting nervous every time a strange vehicle pulls up to the front of your house.  These are all things that all too many of us have had to face some time in our lives.  We work long hours or multiple jobs to make ends meet and they only get further apart. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year and may 2011 be your year to shine!

          At one time I was never very optimistic about the future and just went with the flow of things.  This of course doesn't work for everyone.  In fact most people never find a positive flow.  So maybe I'm maturing or my life experiences are finally molding me to be better focused.  In any sense I have grown to look for opportunities and find the positive in any situation.  Although I hate stress or high pressure situations, I have done very well in these conditions.  Some how I become very focused and come up with a solution in no time.  The point is that in order to reach your goals or keep those New Year's resolutions, you need to stay focused.