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Monday, March 7, 2011

Brain fitness-memory 43 second tip

Brain fitness-memory 43 second tip.

Here again someone shared this with me and I thought it was some valuable information that could improve your ability to become successful.

Hopefully this reinforces the point I have been trying to make over the last few blogs.  Simply put your mind and the way we use it plays a great part in how we direct ourselves towards our success.  One of the greatest ways to achieve success is by starting with the correct mind set.  Belief is over 90% of what is needed to reach our goals and dreams.  Have you ever become so determined to do something or get something that it was all you could think about until you had it?  Your mind constantly working on ways to reach that goal.  Even when you consciously weren't thinking about it, your subconscious was formulating the next move.  This move would just suddenly pop into your mind as an idea and you would rush off to try it.  Ideas are dreamed up and our bodies work to fulfill that dream.  If we can't seem to find the solution then our minds keep working on the problem to find it.  Don't give up, don't give in, don't despair, for the answer may be just around the corner.

Ever since the financial upheaval started, I've been looking for answers to the problem.  How do I get out of this mess and how do I keep from having happen again?  The answer was so simple that I already had it and used it in the past.  I went to some intense leadership training in the past for a former employer and used the information that they had given me with great success.  Unfortunately somewhere along the last few years I had lost that mind set.  The one that motivated me to do great things with my family.  Now that I have delved back into my books and previous training experiences, I have found the key to it all.  I stopped doing the things that made me successful and helped me to move forward.  I had regressed back to bad old habits which brought back the same old devastating results as before, financial instability.  My methods didn't work then and they sure weren't working now so it was time to change the situation.  Remember if you aren't getting the results you desire then it may be time to change your approach.  So now that I know what happened, I was able to change from an unsuccessful trend to a more positive and meaningful life.  Everyone has a moment where they lose track of what's important.  When we do this we give in to the negatives that brought us down in the first place.  The object is to not let this happen.  Make constant strides to move forward in a positive light.  This one thing in itself will lead you to great success.

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