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Monday, January 2, 2017

Welcome the possibilities!!!

Welcome the possibilities!!!

If I've learned anything over the past few years, it is to welcome the possibilities and be open to new opportunities. 

Opportunities present themselves in oh so many ways and it's up to us to figure out what they are.  Many opportunities scare us so we shy away from them.  This of course causes us to miss some golden opportunities to advance us towards our goals.  Successful people take risks and risks are taken in opportunities.  So many people want to play it safe and stay within their comfort zone.  These people totally miss the opportunity boat as others hop on and enjoy the cruise.  Now I'm not saying you should take your life savings and place it all on one bet in Vegas but you do need to reach outside of your comfort zone.  I mainly do better when pressured into something.  When I have no other choice but to act is when things start moving.  This is where procrastination is a goal killer.  We can waste countless hours of energy thinking about what we'd like out of life but if we never act upon it we'll never see it come to be.

Goal setting is a very important part of finding our success.  It took me a long time to turn things around but finally realized that the process wasn't as hard as I thought it was.  Every financial books advice kept saying the same things over and over.  The problem some people face is that they think if they find abundance, someone else will lose it.  This isn't the case at all.  More and more money is being printed everyday.  Mines still produce silver, gold and diamonds, plus other precious metals and gem stones.  The world is full of opportunity for prosperity.  A little effort can lead anyone up into the top few percent of the elite wealthy.  Do you need that kind of wealth?  Not really.  I look at what it will take for me to live comfortably and without further worries.  I know I can't predict the future but being prepared for it is half the battle.  I people everyday complain about their situations and still do nothing different to change it.  This is what I call Virtual Insanity, looking for a different outcome without changing anything.  We need to be continually tweaking our lives, making changes to achieve a better outcome.  If I would have sat back and did nothing over the past few years, would life have become better?  Maybe a little but not to the extent that it has to date.  Although things look good now, did I stop making adjustments or pursuing new goals?  No, not at all.  We can't grow and achieve more if new goals don't replace the old ones.  We literally have to trick our subconscious mind into a new reality.  Force ourselves to move forward into the unknown.

I had recently read the book The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business.  It had many strong points on how we are creators of habit.  Ever notice that your morning always starts and plays out the same way and if something should change how that schedule goes it messes up the rest of the day?  We create habits and follow those habits, good or bad we follow them.  Pets will follow our habits as well.  They know precisely when they will be fed, when you have to leave and when you'll be home.  This is because we formed a habit of feeding them at the same time everyday, we tend to leave and come home from work at the same time everyday.  Here again like writing in this blog.  It needs to be a habit, something that is done everyday without fail.  Like wise not writing in it has been a habit for the past few years.  Out of sight, out of mind kind of thing that unless it became a goal and formed into a habit, it wasn't going to get done.  Let me get out my soap box one more time.  This is where I strongly recommend Simpleology.  Mark Joyner the creator has done a fantastic job at laying out the framework for goal setting and motivation.  I have started using it again daily with great success and will continue to keep you informed on how it has helped improve my success.  It starts out with Start my day and walks you through the whole process of setting up your day with daily targets.  You can choose to do it yourself or delegate to someone else or even schedule it for another day.  There is also a dump it feature that allows you to say forget it, I would get to that today anyway or possibly something that isn't in line with your goals.  The Dream Catcher feature is fantastic for jotting something down the pops into mind for you to ponder on later.  You can set a goal for how many times you'll log in and it keeps track of it.  It even has a place for your major goals and asks you to fill out why it's important to you.  It's free so give it a try and please leave me a comment on how it works for you.

On another note, I've been doing a lot of cleaning up the past two weeks and must say I'm quite the hoarder of paperwork.  My wife has been after me for some time to get my stuff together and get organized.  I finally see it coming together but still have quite a way to go.  I'm relocating my office to another room so it's been more like making a mess out of a mess.  I'll have way more trash than usual to burn this week.  I'm actually very impressed with the progress I've made.  It will hopefully prove to be great help in my productivity.  I guess we'll find out but thanks to the above mentioned Simpleology I've been able to stay on track with getting it done.

Well I hope everyone has had a great start to the New Year.  Tomorrow I may not have a chance to blog anything since I will be traveling tomorrow evening to a customer for service but will be sure to post something on my return to the office. 

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