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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Think Bigg...

Think Bigg...

I mean BIGG -- it's a simple process that leads to success all the time.  Most people don't think BIGG... they just think and wonder why their lives never change or get better.  Thinking BIGG is simple... you're probably wondering what BIGG is or what's the BIGG deal.  When you think BIGG and stay on track you'll succeed, no matter what your goals.

Here's what thinking BIGG really means:
B - Believe in Yourself.
I - Inspiration from others.
G - Goal setting.
G - Go for it.

There is a process that you need to apply in order to make thinking BIGG work for you and today I'll show you exactly how to apply the process of thinking BIGG so that you get the results you want.  It's pretty simple and straight forward and when you follow what I outline you'll get the results you want.  So read on and enjoy...

When you think BIGG you get your subconscious mind focused on bringing you the people, situations and circumstances that will help you succeed.  Thinking BIGG is more than just having a few thoughts and big ideas.

The first step is to believe in yourself.

A lot of people want to make more money, they want to be in a great relationship, they want to have a great career, they want to enjoy life but they really don't believe they can.  Believing means you absolutely know that you can and will succeed.  Wanting is a yearning.  You want something to fill a void, it's a good starting point but you need to go from wanting to believing.  When you believe you basically tell your subconscious mind that you're ready for success and that you expect nothing less than success. It's not about saying I will instead, believe that you are succeeding and getting what you want (filling that void).

Next: Inspiration from others.

Draw inspiration from others.  I do this all the time.  Hey if they can succeed so can you.  You can do anything that they can do and you may even be able to do it better.  Learn from them but be inspired there are new achievements being made everyday and your achievements are just around the corner.  Every 4 years we see Olympic records being crushed.  Those athletes believe in themselves and they dray inspiration from their predecessors.  When you're inspired you basically light up your subconscious mind, you give it some extra energy and extra drive; it realizes that what you want is important and begins working harder for you.  When you see somebody succeed praise them and be inspired because you're next.  It's a message your subconscious mind picks up and drives you to succeed.

Step 3 - Goal setting.

Believe it or not this is where a lot of people fail.  They don't set clear goals, they don't know what they want and they don't have measurable goals.  So set a goal.  Be clear and be specific.  Understand why you want this goal.  The why helps you be clear and stay motivated.  Make sure you can measure your success otherwise you won't know if you're making any progress.  Then check your progress and make adjustments.  When you have clear goals, you can stay focused.  When you're focused on something and repeatedly give it attention you begin to draw the positive people who will help you succeed.  Your subconscious mind sees this as a clear instruction and it understands that it needs to get this done.  Your goal needs to be achieved.  Your subconscious says this is so important we have to make this happen.  At this point your subconscious begins to work overtime to help you achieve your goal.  But success won't happen without the final component.

That's the second G - Go for it.

You have to go for it.  You have to take action.  You can't sit around and wait for everything to come to you.  That's not how you succeed.  Olympic athletes train everyday for years... their success doesn't come overnight.  They have to keep going for it; even when they were tired, when they have setbacks, when they get sick or injured, they keep going.  You have to keep going for it.  You have to keep pursuing your goal because the minute you give up you fail and that's a certainty.  When you keep pursuing your goal, when you believe in yourself, when you draw inspiration from others, when you set clear goals and you go for it; you mind, subconscious mind and the universe get the message.  They realize that this is something that must happen and they have to make it happen for your.  You're doing everything you can to succeed and they have no choice but to help you.

Start thinking BIGG today.

Start achieving your goals today.

When you think BIGG you succeed.  When you direct the full power of your mind an subconscious mind you enjoy success sooner and it becomes a habit - so you succeed and achieve your goals more and more often.  Think of it as a way of programming yourself to get more of what you want.

Right now you've likely programmed your mind and subconscious mind to create more and more of what you don't want.  That's why nothing changes.  You may want change but your subconscious mind is programmed to create the same thing over and over again.  It's time to change the way your mind and subconscious mind works.  It's time to re-program your subconscious so that it creates more of what you want.  Begin applying a new thought process.  Begin seeing things differently and begin directing your mind and subconscious mind to create more of what you want.

Remember if you don't do anything - if you don't change the way your mind works and direct your subconscious mind to create the life you want - everything stays the same - nothing changes.  This is you life - make the most of it - begin working with the power of your mind and subconscious mind to create the life you want and deserve.

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