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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Creating Convictions to Live By

Creating Convictions to Live By

How do we "Create Convictions to Live By"?  Through faith, focus and commitment, we create our goals.  Our desires and dreams can only become a reality if we completely commit ourselves to them.  We must live by these convictions that we have created or they will die and be lost forever.  As a student we strive for good grades and we study to get them.  As an athlete we practice or workout everyday to strengthen our weaknesses so we can perform at our best.  As parents we strive to provide for our children and give them the best the world has to offer.  Then there are those who do as little as possible to get by.  These are the critics and people who ridicule because they don't understand or know any better about what we are trying to accomplish.  They are the dream stealer's, the goal smasher's, the people who are only happy when the rest of the world is miserable.  Only through our own convictions can we overcome and surmount the negativity that these people spew out at us.

I have mentioned before that success builds on success.  That we need to be positively motivated to reach our goals.  Avoiding the negative is rough when it's coming from the people we had admired and loved so much.  Even when we reach our goals and start realizing our dreams, they try to steal them away.  Comments such as "that won't last" or "sure it might work now but just you wait".  Success is never just a passing fad.  Once we reach one goal the next one is within our grasp and as we climb the ladder of success, each goal becomes easier and easier.  Reinforce your convictions and continually create new ones so the momentum doesn't stop.  Seek out those who inspire you.  They will encourage you and guide you to greatness.  They are out there with blogs, social networks, forums and websites.  Make your dreams your passion, build upon them to get what you desire.

We love to dream build by looking through magazines.  Test driving that brand new car we've always wanted.  Going to open house's to explore what our dream house will be like.  The best way to get that burning passion to reach what you desire is to envision yourself there already.  Place yourself in that new car, luxurious home, awesome vacation, boat or motor home.  Find yourself constantly thinking about what it would be like to be there.  Place pictures and notes everywhere to remind yourself of what you desire.  Enlighten your subconscious mind to your will and wants.  Even in your sleep your subconscious mind will work on finding a solution.  There is literally no problem the human mind can't solve when faced with a situation of desired results.  There are times when we are faced with a great challenge and without even truly thinking about it a solution will pop into our heads.  We may even have to ponder the situation for a while but our subconscious will not rest until and answer is found.  With this you will Create Convictions to Live By!

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