If you have been following my blog then you may have noticed that the last few entries have been from Patric Chan. In my own personal search for success, I have come across many successful people that give excellent advice from their own experiences. You will also find topics and information from Rich German who wrote a book called "Monetize Your Passion". The download version is free and the hard copy proceeds go to charity. These two individuals have made a tremendous impact on my life. So please take the time to check them out. I will provide some links to help you find them a little easier.
Procrastination, everyone does it from time to time. I am a big offender when it comes to procrastination. We use more energy thinking about doing something then it would take to actually just buckle down and do it. This is why I use Simpleology 101 to organise my thoughts and set up my tasks on a daily basis. It has been fantastic for keeping me on track to reach my goals and over coming my procrastination.
Procrastination effects everyone differently. When I procrastinate, it is usually because the task at hand seems to tough or may not progress in a productive way. I have found many times that when it came down to it the task wasn't at all difficult and could have been done effortlessly. Time is precious and can not be brought back once lost. So why waste the time and energy by not doing something? I may not feel up to it or I'm just dreading the fact that it needs to be done. At some point we have no choice but to get it over with and when it's all said and done we sigh with relief and ponder why we didn't just do it earlier. This is where writing it down is so important. When your tasks are laid out in front of you, you are constantly reminded of what needs to be done.
Here is an example, I have a Pontiac Fiero that needed a water pump. I had all the necessary tools and plenty of time but instead of just replacing it the car sat in the garage for nearly 6 months. When I finally put my mind to repair the car it went almost flawlessly. I dreaded it so much that I made up my mind that it would be the biggest pain. In the end it wasn't such a big deal and could have easily been done sooner. So what in your life have you been putting off? Have you been pushing back on your own success and happiness for no factual reason what so ever? I have learned that retraining my mind to avoid the negative and move forward has greatly blessed me and my family.
Now I said I would give you some links to some great successful people and minds that have helped me tremendously.
Rich German sends me an inspirational email everyday so you can go here to see a video Case Study "Belief". It is very powerful and informative on how our belief triggers success and happiness.
Patric Chan has phenomenal insight on manifesting your future. I enjoy watching his videos and listening to what he has to say. You can check out his Success Trace Program Here.
Finally you may notice the ad at the top of this blog for Mind Secrets Exposed. This program shows ways to reprogram your subconscious mind. It helps enlighten, reduce stress and bring about a new calm so you can focus on what really matters in your life. Visit Mind Secrets Exposed today.
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