Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Do you believe in miracles?
Friday, December 3, 2010
From 37,000 feet...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Discover your destiny!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Discover Hope!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Do your choices have purpose?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Don't sweat the small stuff!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Life's Most Difficult Decision...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Procrastination can kill your success!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
There is more to success than focusing...
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Five Things I've Learned to Become Successful in Life by Patric Chan
Did you set a goal early this year? Well, did you get what you want by now - after so many months of working hard for it? Apparently, most people don't and that's the problem with setting goals.
We cannot be setting goals with the intention of trying to get what we want because that will become a chasing game which will wear you out. Maybe not for you, but I know I will when I'm chasing 'something'. The goal must be a part of us. My goal is to become who I want and where I want to be mentally and physically.
Your goals must be something that you achieve internally so that you can see it, taste it, smell it and feel it.
Wealth. Love. Connection. Knowledge. Experience.
If you were to evaluate what's success, it boils down to being happy.
I'm not trying to play Zen Master here but to make a point how we make our lives complicated without understanding the true purpose of our action. Life doesn't have to be that way.
There are a few things I've learned from observations and experiencing this year and I'm glad to share them with you today. Who knows, they may give you a shortcut for your journey to obtain the success you're seeking...
i. Your mind attracts what you want. This year, I have my fair share of enjoying successes and experiencing setbacks in life. And when I sit back to think about it, they come in 'sequences'. Once I've gained success, I'll have the momentum to get another one. When I failed and stay in that state, another failure will come again. I don't know, some called it Law of Attraction. To me, I strongly believe that you get what you want based on what your mind thinks because it 'attracts'.
ii. There's one time Grandma falls sick and stayed in the hospital for couple of days. When I visited her in the hospital, I felt blessed that she's still in this beautiful world. Although it's nothing serious, but my heart tells me one thing- nothing in this world will give me the same love and relationship I have with her.
There are only two factors that will remove your love and relationship with someone you care about- when he/she is no longer here or you have ignored the treasure you have today for something that is less valuable but perceived to be valuable. Let me warn you-- once they're gone, they're gone. You should know who to call, hug or kiss by now.
iii. Know your roots. If you're successful today, you're probably once a 'nobody'. Always be humble because it will give you more success in life. I mean, isn't that how you got to where you are today? Knowing your roots also means remembering those who have supported you when you're growing and stayed by your side through thin and thickness. They are just there because they want to be there for you with no other hidden expectations.
iv. Explore life like there's no ending. Listen to new music. Visit new places. Eat at new restaurants. Play new sports. Meet new people. And an endless list of things you can do regardless of whether you're wealthy or not. You see, money doesn't stop you from exploring life. Obviously, you can't do the many things that Bill Gates or Richard Branson can do but there are easily hundreds of things you can do with what you have today. Do you know why we live? I don't have the answer but I'm 100% sure it's not to work and whine about what we don't have.
v. Life is great. As I'm writing this, I'm in my new condominium with nice yellow lightings, listening to a wonderful music and my wife is making a cup of coffee for me. I can feel the cool breeze coming in from the balcony while sitting on a soft brand new, purple sofa. In front of me, I can see a mirror- and when I looked deep; I thank God for giving me this amazing life. Not because my Ego's saying I have an amazing life, but it's really true.
You have an amazing life whether you want to admit it or not. There are people sleeping on the streets today, wandering to look for food and so on. Because you're reading this, I dare to assume that you have a computer- which also means that you're under a roof and are an educated person. You have eyes to read and a wonderful brain to think. For that, life is already great. The rest are bonuses.
Some might complain about being financially broke. You can be broke but you can never be poor because being broke is a temporarily state that can be changed. It might not be now but with sheer persistence and effort combined with using the right information and a willingness to take action, it's just a matter of time before you look back satisfied and said, “I was once broke but now, I'm wealthy and living the life I've always wanted.” Does that sound good? Then, why not make it a reality because you can.
Patric Chan is an international speaker, author and the founder of The Success Trace. Find out what are his other success formulas to achieve success you can use in your life quickly, Click Here To Achieve Your Success!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Same Success Advice But Different Impact To Your Life by Patric Chan
The thing about these know-it-all people is they are not open to the fact that there could be something missing to their equations. They just don't see that if they keep doing what they are currently doing, they are going to continue to get the same results.
The people who are willing to learn, who are brave enough to explore new territories are the ones who will prosper in the end.
In the 18th century, a group of brave explorers set sail from England, not knowing where they were heading and found the Promised Land - America. Imagine where we will be today (for those living in America) if that group had held on to their beliefs that the world is flat and if you sailed too far, you'd fall off the edge
We both know that a pilot will learn about what to do when he is flying through storms in flight school. But it is by actually flying through an actual storm is where HE LEARNS.
Want to know something that sets the rich people apart from the rest?
They don't mind going through the same learning process over and over again. Yeah, the boring process. For instance, they make it a point to attend seminars on wealth despite that they're already wealthy because they know that if they can pick up even just one new thing to try out, it will be worth it.
Try this -- the next time you attend a seminar, watch out for those who go to the back of the room to buy the speaker's product at the end of the presentation. If you attend another seminar and he happens to attend too, I bet you'll see the same guy buying again.
Funny thing is, the know-it-alls will say that they already know what will be shared in these seminars and they can't afford to waste their time learning the same thing all over again.
That's true too. I know because I was in their shoes -- I was trying to grow my business but it seemed to be 'stuck'. I KNOW how to fix it and yet I can't change it because my 'sight' is blinded. You see, when you get a solution from a valuable source that you trust, you will see it differently even if it's solution that you already knew.
Put it this way...if you believe in God and suddenly, you met God in person and God gives you the advice to appreciate your life -- I think you'll do it with no questions asked although you already know that you should appreciate your life.
Makes sense?
As we have ascertained earlier, you can't expect to be doing the same thing over and over again and expect to get different results. Something has to change in the whole system in order to break the cycle and get better results.
Therefore if you think that you know everything, if you don't stop being so full of yourself and open up your mind to receive new things, how are you ever going to improve your results? Sounds pretty harsh doesn't it? Well, wake up - that's called reality.
Patric Chan is an international speaker, author and the founder of The Success Trace. Find out what are his other success formulas to achieve success you can use in your life quickly, Click Here To Achieve Success!
Friday, October 15, 2010
10 Ways To Fail In Life Almost Guaranteed By Patric Chan
You see, I've been asked many times for how to achieve success and weird enough, seems like nobody's taking that advice seriously. Then I realized one thing - most people are ALREADY failing before they even got started!
The article I wrote below is slightly controversy compare to the normal goodie-type personal development advice because this is the TRUTH. If I want to keep everyone happy and write about the colorful rainbow, birds chirping, flowers blooming, etc then I should just opens up a nursery home and take care of children. I want to tell you the truth straight to your face because I've been there and heard the garbage lies thrown everywhere.
Avoid these and you'll automatically be on the right track (provided you want to be successful)...
1. Mixing With Losers
It's a guaranteed way to fail in life with this. Whatever you like to do, losers will just tell you it won't work and after some time, you will also become a loser. High five, welcome to the losers' club. ‘Something about losers you should know’ they like to 'recruit' new people and are very comfortable in their shoes. They don't welcome Changes. So when you see someone with any of these two characteristics, you know what you should do.
2. Don't Know What You Want
The most common goal I hear all of the time is, “I want to be rich”. I mean it's fine with that generic goal but the problem is, how rich do you want to be? Or how rich is rich? Put it this way - the methods used to make a million and $3,000 are different. No wonder some people couldn't experience breakthroughs in life because they are playing small for big goals. If you want to make a million, you better put in that level of commitment, bucko.
3. You Want Everything
It's nice to have a lot of things but if you go chasing everything, you get nothing. Let me tell you why - you only have 24 hours a day and you've got to focus on your priorities. I know, I know, you can hire others and so on but the fact is, you've got to want 'something' first to lead to another 'something', then to everything. Make sense?
4. Watching the “Secrets” Way Too Much
I'm not here to criticize Law Of Attractions (LOA) and don't want to receive hate emails. As a matter of fact, I do believe in it and have friends who appeared in the Secrets. But it's a surefire way to fail if you keep on watching the “Secrets” and doing 'attraction' by sitting down on your floor manifesting 3 hours a day. In my point of view, scientifically, Law of Attraction runs on the concept of 'believing'. When you believe you can achieve your goal, you will take actions to actually achieve it but if you don't understand this basic element and think LOA is some sort of miracle remedy, oh boy, you're in for a big surprise for failure.
5. You Don't Truly Know Why You Want Success
Wanting everything is bad enough - but it gets even worse if you don't even know the reason why you're trying to achieve your goal. What's the deal? Without a solid reason, a compelling reason, where are you going to find the motivation and encouragement for you to overcome obstacles? You think it's going to be fun ride to success? Then you haven't been traveling - it's a rocky road, my friend. Most people failed to achieve their goals because they never complete the journey -- they give up half way (or at the beginning) because they cannot see the worth of accomplishments.
6. You Don't Remember Your Roots
The thing I get most irritated about is people who achieved success and never felt gratitude towards those who have helped them. Is it very hard to say, 'thank you'? The law of reciprocity is simple - you return favors to those who helped you in the past. And maybe, they'll help you again in the future. Remember this - it takes more than just you to achieve success, so don't be a jerk.
7. You Think You're Smart
The day you stop learning is the day you stop improving yourself. If you don't want to fail in life, make you sure you stop acting as though you already know everything. The fact is, all successful people are people who continuously learn to be even more successful. They don't stop. Let me put it in this perspective - you don't know what you don't know, you know?
8. You Listen To The Wrong People
I watched this funny movie called, "He Is Just Not That Into You", and it just reaffirmed what I'm about to tell you. At the beginning of the movie, it shows a clip of a boy pushing a girl in the playground because he somehow doesn't like her. He thinks she smells like dog pooh. She cried and asked her mum why did the boy do that to her. And her mum replied, It's because boys do that to girls when they like you. Do yourself a favor, don't get wrong advice. It'll stick in your brain and lead you to make stupid interpretations in life.
9. You Think Short Term
You'll hear this happening often in many 'successful' people's stories -- make a lot of money to lose it all. This probably because they became too comfortable and the other thing is, once you achieve success, you should ride on the wave when the momentum is there. When you think short term, you're only going after the instant pleasure. You must learn to master 'delay gratification' so that you can enjoy your today's labor.
10. You're Blinded With What Is Important In Life
I believe there are only two things that are important in your life - control of time and experiencing happiness. Money, love, big cars, diamonds, etc are the things that contribute to these 2 benchmarks of successes. For instance, if you have money, you don't need to work so that you can have more time to do the things you like. It's not the money that you're trying to get but what the money CAN DO FOR YOU. I know this topic is bigger than one sentence explanation but I guess you get the point. You're a smart fella.
So now you know the 10 ways to fail in life. Question is, are you doing any of these? I'll be BS'ng you if I said I don't. I'm human dude, flesh and blood - I do mistakes too.
But I was fortunate to experience my fair share of success today because I learn powerful lessons from other successful people...
"It's okay to fail and you should fail as many times as you can. That is how you learn but more importantly, you should never give up - each time you get kick dirt in your face, wash your face and 'fight' back'. Don't go crying like a sissy because Mum's not going to come cleaning your face."
Are you ready? Go get your goals.
P.S: Get Patric's success formulas right now to start making your goal a reality, fastest possible at: Don't Fail In Life
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Life changing moments...
1. Hinduism, Buddhism . action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman. Compare bhakti ( def. 1 ) , jnana.
2. Theosophy . the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.
3. fate; destiny.
4. the good or bad emanations felt to be generated by someone or something.
Karma, a concept that has been around for centuries. Many cultures believe that events that happen are caused be things we have done or not done. Good or bad, karma has a way of evening things out. Good deeds lead to prosperity, bad deeds lead to despair and ruin. I have been doing much research on mind influences and manifestation. It seems to me that when you believe strongly enough and you focus your energies to achieving what ever it is you want to accomplish, it is bound to happen. Just as if you constantly worry about something. If you direct positive energy towards it than a positive solution or result will transpire but if you direct negative energy toward it than the results will come about in an undesirable way.
I know a college student that comes from Nepal. Through his experiences you could say that he has great karma. He has been able to travel the world with different scholarships and is using his knowledge to help a remote village in Nepal to build a school. He plans on helping them for a year to learn better ways to farm and become more productive. He is realizing his dreams and making them a reality with the support of many people he has met along the way. He is a true success and is looking towards a very fulfilling life helping his own people.
luck /lʌk/
1. the force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person's life, as in shaping circumstances, events, or opportunities: With my luck I'll probably get pneumonia.
2. good fortune; advantage or success, considered as the result of chance: He had no luck finding work.
3. a combination of circumstances, events, etc., operating by chance to bring good or ill to a person: She's had nothing but bad luck all year.
4. some object on which good fortune is supposed to depend: This rabbit's foot is my luck.
—Verb phrases Informal .
5. luck into / onto, to meet, acquire, become, etc., by good luck: She lucked into a great job.
6. luck out, to have an instance or run of exceptionally good luck: He lucked out when he made a hole in one during the tournament.
7. luck upon, to come across by chance: to luck upon a profitable investment.
8. down on one's luck, in unfortunate circumstances; unlucky: She hated to see her old friend so down on her luck.
9. in luck, lucky; fortunate: We were in luck, for the bakery was still open.
10. luck of the draw, the luck one has in or as if in drawing cards.
11. out of luck, unlucky; unfortunate: When it comes to getting World Series tickets, we're usually out of luck.
12. push one's luck, Informal . to try to make too much of an opportunity; go too far. Also, crowd one's luck.
1400–50; late ME luk < MD luc, aphetic form of gelucke; c. G. Glück
Luck, can be good or bad and is attributed to chance (see above). What can I say here, luck is more of an excuse then applicable fact. It would seem fair to say that luck is created and doesn't just happen. Bad luck comes about from thoughts of bad things that could happen and when we worry about it that much, it's bound to happen. Good luck seems to keep on coming when we feel good about what we are doing and the events in are lives are good. Here again it would be the though process that wills the good things to come into our lives. When we are experiencing bad luck we tend to blame everyone or everything but ourselves. Remember that it's our decisions that create the path ahead.
fate /feɪt/
[feyt] Show IPA
noun, verb, fat·ed, fat·ing.
1. something that unavoidably befalls a person; fortune; lot: It is always his fate to be left behind.
2. the universal principle or ultimate agency by which the order of things is presumably prescribed; the decreed cause of events; time: Fate decreed that they would never meet again.
3. that which is inevitably predetermined; destiny: Death is our ineluctable fate.
4. a prophetic declaration of what must be: The oracle pronounced their fate.
5. death, destruction, or ruin.
6. the Fates, Classical Mythology . the three goddesses of destiny, known to the Greeks as the Moerae and to the Romans as the Parcae.
–verb (used with object)
7. to predetermine, as by the decree of fate; destine (used in the passive): a person who was fated to be the savior of the country.
1325–75; ME < L fātum utterance, decree of fate, destiny, orig. neut. of fātus, ptp. of fārī to speak
—Can be confused: fate, fete (see synonym note at this entry ).
1. karma, kismet; chance, luck. Fate, destiny, doom refer to the idea of a fortune, usually adverse, that is predetermined and inescapable. The three words are frequently interchangeable. Fate stresses the irrationality and impersonal character of events: It was Napoleon's fate to be exiled. The word is often lightly used, however: It was my fate to meet her that very afternoon. Destiny emphasizes the idea of an unalterable course of events, and is often used of a propitious fortune: It was his destiny to save his nation. Doom esp. applies to the final ending, always unhappy or terrible, brought about by destiny or fate: He met his doom bravely. 7. foreordain, preordain.
Fate or as some call it destiny, is the end of all ends. People who believe in fate, believe that everything has been predetermined and we have no control over where we are going or where we will end up. As in Star Wars "It is your destiny". People who believe in this concept end up living varied lives. One person may be sheltered and very reserved hoping they are not fated to some doomed life while others will do anything and everything saying "I'm destined for greatness". Fate is like having someone else pick our path and nothing we say or do will change it. I believe we make our choices and those choices determine our fate, luck or pending karma. These will decide if we will create or destroy our chances for success.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Just a quick update...
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The cross was made by my oldest daughter. |
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Dedicated to Samika
Monday, September 27, 2010
Life is too short!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Starting down the road to success...
The road to success is a long and hard one but by creating small successes we can build up to a larger or huge success. Success is very much like a rollercoaster with many ups, downs, twists and turns.
The one thing that any successful person will tell you is that you need a “DREAM” or strong desire for something to become a true success. Now I’ve been to seminars, meetings and such that talk about the “DREAM”. I remember the first time I attended a function and sat there wondering “Why are we wasting time with this?” I wanted the meat and bones of how to achieve success but didn’t realize that the “DREAM” was the most important part. Success builds on success and all starts with the burning desire to achieve a dream. Having a dream is 90% of the formula to achieve success; the other 10% is the actual work it requires to get there.
We can take the dream and break it down into 3 main ingredients. I practice this very formula and label it P-F-M.
· P – Personal Goal
o You need your very own personal goal. You can not become successful by working towards someone else’s desires.
o Waking up happy and ready to face the day with a smile every morning is a personal goal.
· F – Financial
o You need to visualize a financial figure. An exact amount.
o An extra $1000 a month is a good example. Just saying “I want to make or have more money” won’t work.
· M – Material
o A physical possession.
o A new home or car would be a good example.
Next you need to write them down. It needs to be in writing or they will become vague, forgotten or less meaningful. Post-it notes, pictures or signs of what you want help reinforce the dream and desire to achieve your goals. Once you have them written down you’ll need to set a realistic date to achieve your goals. Placing a date on your goals gives them a sense of priority. If you never set a date then there is now sense of urgency to get what you desire. This defeats the purpose of having a dream. So many people give up on their dreams and settle for the everyday rut that society has set for our culture. I will later give sources for you to explore that will help you better understand the principle of setting goals and achieving your dreams.
As I mentioned before, I have been to many meetings and seminars that show how to become successful. I was in a particular program that made me search deep within myself to unleash my true desires in life. I had set a goal and a date to achieve it. It was not easy but since I wanted it so badly that the pieces just fell into place to bring about a successful conclusion to my goal. What was it you may ask? I wanted to take my family to Disney World in
Money has always been an issue at times but because of my desire to fulfill this dream was so strong; I was able to overcome that obstacle. I managed to set aside the funding needed to have on of the most enjoyable vacations we had ever gone on. I didn’t know how I was going to do it but it happened because I focused on the end result. If you have the why, the how will surely follow. This principle also worked for my family to get a new home in a better area of the country. I didn’t know how I was going to make the move work and get the house I wanted but by setting a deadline and going with my dream I made it happen. I made a decision and stuck with it.
A very important thing to remember about the P-F-M formula is that once you achieve one goal you will need to create another goal to replace it. If you don’t then your life will slowly return to its present state and become stagnant. This has also occurred to me. It is easy to let life distract you from your goals and dreams. It is just as easy to get back on track as well by starting to implement your dreams. Success comes from the dreams we have from within.
Next I will discuss more of my personal experiences and share some of the sources that I have used to discover my “Success from Within”.