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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dedicated to Samika

April 14, 2010 - September 29, 2010
A special puppy that we will truly miss.
     As I had mentioned in my last posting, life is unexpected and throws many curves at us.  We would have never guessed that we would end up losing a very special member of our family today.  She had been running around playing with her brothers and sisters throughout the day only to be tragically hit by a car.  It had broken both back legs and crushed her pelvis.  She did not whine or cry while on the way to the vet but just kept looking at us with that cute little face maybe thinking everything would be OK.  Unfortunately this was not the case and she was put to sleep to keep from suffering.  We buried her under a tree next to the house so she would always be able to rest in the shade.  My wife had taken the lose very hard since she was her favorite.  We pray that the Lord will watch over her as she moves on to a better place.  5 months is not a long time to live but I feel she had spent them well and knew she was deeply loved to the very end.  We will miss her very, very much... 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Life is too short!

     To start with, it has been some time since my last entry.  As you will find while seeking success, time is a precious commodity.  Time management is very important when it comes to becoming successful.  If you squander your time away on frivolous things, then your life becomes a waste of time and energy.  We are only on this Earth for a short time and it is best to use that time wisely.  Concentrate on what's important in life.  There are many things to enjoy in life such as our family or friends.  I remember someone telling me that I will regret what I haven't done more than what I have done.  At some point in life you may look back and ask "Where did the time go?"  "Why haven't I accomplished anything?"  If you have never seen the movie "The Bucket List" then I suggest you do.  It shows how living our lives to the fullest even when we know there may not be much time left can make our lives more fulfilling.
     So let's grab a pen and paper to start our own "Bucket List".  Why?  Simply put we want to have a list of things would like to accomplish before our time on Earth is up.  Remember, life throws a bunch of curves at us and no one can say for sure if tomorrow will ever come.  You need to take a good long look at the life you have lived so far.  What have I accomplished?  Where do I want to be in the coming months or years?  The list can start out with anything.  Any ideas can be put on the list because we will prioritize it and sort it out later.  This list will bring you on step closer to bringing out your success from within.
     Your list doesn't have to be elaborate.  Keep it simple, specific and genuine.  Things you want, not your spouse, children, boss or even friends.  Again as I had mentioned earlier that the only way to achieve your goals and dreams is to be totally selfish.  When you get what you want good things will come to your loved ones as well.
     Now that we have a list, it is time to prioritize it.  Your list will forever be changing according to your needs, wants and desires.  Look at your list and ask yourself "What do I want first?"  It is possible that on your way to getting that first item you may achieve other things on your list.  You want to clear your mind and envision how you plan to get there.  What is your first step to getting you closer to your goal?  Along with figuring out what you want first is to place a date on it.  When do you want to reach your goal?  Remember to be realistic.  If you know you can get it done in a few weeks don't set the date as tomorrow.  You will only put stress on yourself and be disappointed by unnecessary failure.  You want to get your mind working towards a solution.
     I've mentioned the need for time management.  Well here is what I use to get my thoughts organised and prioritize my goals.  Mark Joyner has developed the most useful tool called Simpleology.  Go to to sign up for free access to Simpleology 101.  I highly recommend this to organise and focus on your goals.  This program gets you thinking on how to achieve your goals and helps you keep on track.  I use this tool everyday and Marks program sets you up with the Web Cockpit which will organise your thoughts and prioritize your daily schedule.  Mark does offer other Simpleology programs that link to and enhance the usefullness of Simpleology 101.  Try it out and please let me know how it has been helping you achieve your success from within.